Just reached 6.3k req/sec in Valum
I often profile Valum’s performance with wrk to ensure that no regression hit the stable release.
It helped me identifying a couple of mistakes n various implementations.
Anyway, I’m glad to announce that I have reached 6.3k req/sec on small payload, all relative to my very lowgrade Acer C720.
The improvements are available in the 0.2.14 release.
with 2 threads and 256 connections running for one minute - Lighttpd spawning 4 SCGI instances
Build Valum with examples and run the SCGI sample:
./waf configure build --enable-examples
lighttpd -D -f examples/scgi/lighttpd.conf
Start wrk
wrk -c 256
Running 1m test @
2 threads and 256 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 40.26ms 11.38ms 152.48ms 71.01%
Req/Sec 3.20k 366.11 4.47k 73.67%
381906 requests in 1.00m, 54.31MB read
Requests/sec: 6360.45
Transfer/sec: 0.90MB
There’s still a few things to get done:
- hanging connections benchmark
- throughput benchmark
- logarithmic routing #144
The trunk buffers SCGI requests asynchronously, which should improve the concurrency with blocking clients.
Lighttpd is not really suited for throughput because it buffers the whole response. Sending a lot of data is problematic and use up a lot of memory.
Valum is designed with streaming in mind, so it has a very low (if not neglectable) memory trace.
I reached 6.5k req/sec, but since I could not reliably reproduce it, I prefered posting these results.